How to bring all your Contacts (WhoId) tagged in an Activity!


Does anyone else find reporting on Name or '‘Who id” field on Activities somehow challenging in Salesforce?

Well Einstein Analytics has a couple of tips/tricks you can perform:

If you are using the “WhoId” field to “tag” or “relate” your Activity with multiple Leads or Accounts, you might want to consider bringing Event Relation and Task Relation objects into Einstein Analytics.

Since an Event can be related up to 50 contacts or one lead, if you’re using Contacts, you might experience some issues when reporting on them 

The following solution allowed me to Pull a report with an Event and ALL the related Contacts associated to that Event. 

Step 1: 

Enable Event Relation and Task Relation Objects under Connect in Einstein Analytics

Step 2:

Make sure you select all the fields you wish to bring into Einstein Analytics. You may want Relation Contacts Id, Who ID, Event Relation ID, Task relation ID,

Step 3:

Create a Dataflow in Einstein and use SFDC digest to bring in the following objects: Task Relation, Event Relation, Task, Event, and Contacts!

Step 4:

Use append to combine Task Relation and Event Relation (check-off “allow disjoint schema”, then repeat steps for Task and Event.

Step 5:

Augment both Task relation & Event Relation, as well as Events & Tasks with Contacts!!

Step 6:

You’ll want to create a compute expression to come up with an ActivityId to combine both Event Relation and Task Relation and then Events and Tasks. E.g, in my example below I created ActivitiesWRelation.Id and derived_ActivityId

 Your top fields for this implementation should look something like this:

  • RelationContacts.Full_Name__c

  • ActivityWRelation.WhoId*

  • RelationContacts.Id*

  • derived_ActivityId*

  • ActivitiesWRelation.Id*

Step 7:

Test it out! Once you’ve build out your dataset, make sure you test test test!!

If you have any questions on how to leverage Event Relation or Task Relation in your dataflow shoot me an email over tom



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